Animal Wellness Starts with Tusker Tough Construction
Tusker isn’t just a name. It’s a representation of our livestock water tanks – deeply rooted, made of the strongest materials, and able to stand up to daily wear and tear.

Tough Polyethylene Construction
Our livestock waterers are built from double-wall, roto-molded polyethylene, creating a design that’s strong and corrosion free. Our one-piece designs are completely sealed, protecting the foam insulation from moisture. What’s more, our polyethylene has UV inhibitors for lasting color and to extend the life of the product.

Made from Food Grade Plastic
Using food grade plastic helps to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of your animals. This type of plastic is made to meet strict quality and safety standards, ensuring that it doesn’t release harmful chemicals or contaminants into the water. Our tanks are made from FDA and HPD approved food grade plastic. Additionally, our livestock water tanks meet Grade A dairy requirements.

Quality and Craftsmanship
The manufacturing processes we’ve put in place allow us to produce a consistent product. Our water tanks are rotationally molded, helping us to ensure uniform wall thickness and consistency from product to product. Additionally, most of our rotationally molded livestock water tanks are one-piece, meaning there isn’t a need for welds or seamed joints. When you purchase a Tusker product, you’ll know you’re getting quality time after time.

The Best Warranty in the Industry
We believe in our products, and you should believe in the products you’re buying. That’s why we offer a 10-year limited warranty on our livestock water tanks and a 2-year limited warranty on component parts, such as the internal floats, valves, and heaters.
Request a Quote Today
Have a few tanks picked out? Request a quote today.